Anandmurti Gurumaa Visited LPU


Sadgurudev Anandmurti Gurumaa, a revered spiritualist, visited Lovely Professional University on 18th March, 2017 to address LPU staff and faculty. She delivered an outstanding, inspirational lecture on Stress Management, which can be viewed in the video attached.

Anandmurti Gurumaa, is a contemporary mystic who has been bestowing liberating wisdom upon people. Her pragmatic teachings are a great source of guidance for innumerable people from all walks of life leading them above the mundane of everyday existence. She has extensively spoken on subjects like mind, meditation, emotions, health, indulgence, reality, God etc. and given erudite commentaries on numerous scriptures including the Srimad Bhagawad Gita, Sri Guru Gita, and the Gurbani, to name a few. She has devised a vast array of meditation methods, written several books, and given in-depth discourses on numerous sages from diverse backgrounds – whether it is Buddha, Kabir or Rumi, Sikh Gurus, Sufi mystics or the Zen masters. Her discourses, meditation retreats and workshops are held from time to time at different places across the globe.

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