Cheesy Facts


“Cheese is not damaging to your health if you know how to milk its worth”

Recent studies believe that including more dairy in your diet will boost your metabolism thus staving off extra fat, lowering your blood pressure and blood sugar level and giving you a longer life span. Cheese is a powerhouse of minerals, vitamins and proteins. Eating the right kind of cheese make all the difference.

Moreover cheese is not a modern discovery it is so intricately woven in tradition. Every culture has its own version of cheese. So lets have a look at these cheesy tradition and their qualities:

1.FETA: Greek’s Feta is made with goat’s milk. It is an excellent food for arteries with few calories, lesser fat and more protein.

2.RICOTTA: Italy’s Ricotta is considered to be one of the healthiest cheese as it has a low fat content. 100gm of Ricotta cheese contains around 5gm of saturated fat. Thus Ricotta is low in fat and strong in taste – a combination hard to come by.

3.GOAT: Epicureans say, “Best culinary combination the planet has ever devised is Good Goat Cheese, Great Bread and Fine Wine.” Goat  cheese stands out due to its ease of digestion. People who can’t handle cow’s milk has an alternative of GOAT cheese due to its low lactose content.

4.COTTAGE: Mexican queso fresco, Indian paneer and farmer’s cheese are simply pressed version of Cottage chesse. It has a high protein content that helps in muscle recovery after workout. With low sodium and high calcium it is a healthy substitute for your food.

5.BRIE: Brie is the best known soft French cheese and has a nickname “The Queen of Chesses” because Brie was one of the tributes which had to be paid to the French Kings.Brie is a good source of protein, vitamin B12 and vitamin B2.

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Scribbler who hails from the lap of mountains. I'm a freelance writer, designer, speaker, and marketer. I find comfort in the silence of my thoughts and I love to live for my dreams.