E Health


E health is the biggest revolution in health care industry. It encompasses the combined use of electronic information and communication technology in the health sector. With enhanced networking and electronic exchange of health related data, efficency and effectiveness of health care delivery has improved.

Goals of e – health :

1. Increased efficiency in health care

2. Improved quality of care

3. Increased commitment to evidence based medicine

4. Empowerment of patients and consumers

5. Development of new relationship between patients and health professionals.

Application areas:

1.  Electronic Medical records that include patient records, clinical  administration systems, digital imaging and archiving systems, e- prescribing and e- booking.

2. Health information network including telemedicine and telecare services.

3. E-health also covers digital imaging, robotics, computer assisted surgery, wearable and portable monitoring systems and health portals.

Benefits of E health:

1. Supporting the delivery of care to patients.

2. ICT enables more informed decision making based on evidence and patient specific data.

3. Improves access to effective healthcare by reducing barriers e.g. location, unavailability.

4. Improves diagnostic accuracy.

5. Improves cost efficiency.

6. Reduce waiting time and waste.

7. Gives appropriateness in treatment.