Guest Lecture on ‘Aspects Related to Global Trends in Law’


School of Professional Enhancement organized a Guest Lecture on “Aspects related to Global Trends in Law” on 28th January, 2017. The session enlightened the students on cross-border application of law, key challenges faced by advocates while designing an international transaction, legal profession outside India, foreign education and procedure, competing with National Law University (NLU) student as being a non-National Law University (non-NLU) student.

The lecture was delivered by Ms. Nidhi Singh. She is a Founding Partner of Black Pearl Chambers (Advocates & Solicitors) LLP, Delhi. She is paragon in a field of Tax Laws, Private Equity, Capital Markets, Competition Law/Anti-trust, and Mergers & Acquisitions. At such a young age, she has achieved many milestones and contributed to highly reputed organizations such as Office of Member of Parliament of India, Government of India (Legislative Assistant), CUTS Institute for Regulation and Competition (CIRC), Delhi, India (Associate), Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Govt. of India (Associate).