Health Resolutions Every College Student Should Take


Amid classes, assignments, relationship issues, and maintaining a social college students usually  abandon critical things such as well being and their physical health. We all agree that stress is inevitable, but we need a healthy lifestyle in order to juggle the numerous commitments we make every day. So this new year let’s take a step towards healthy college life.

Wake Up. Exercise. Repeat Every Day : It is no surprise that you are finding it impossible to make time for gym/yoga in your overloaded schedule. To make sure you give your body the needed fuel, try to work out at least three times per week. Take a membership at the campus gym or join the yoga club. Try it, it may reduce your stress too.

Establish A Daily Routine : You may be the busiest person on this planet but still you can go through an easy to follow routine. It comes with bonuses as it will keep you motivated, your sleep cycle would be proper and you’ll be able to cut yourself some slack.

Less Coffee, More Water : If you are a caffeine person and cannot start your day without a cup, you may be surprised to know that it’s only because you lack nourishment and sleep. After sometime your coffee makes you drowsy and lethargic, which is the opposite of what you want. Always drink water to hydrate yourself and you will realize it refreshes you more than a cup of coffee.

Eat Quality Junk Food : Admit it! You just cannot wake up one day and say I’ll never put extra cheese in my burger. So instead of abandoning your craving for junk food, give it a health boost. Ask the Subway guy to use multi grain bread and use cheddar cheese instead of the normal one. Drink fruit juices instead of your regular coke,  munch on organic chips, and replace your milk chocolate with variations of dark chocolate. That’s It. This junk is 80% more healthy than what you were eating before.

Don’t Over-commit (use those extra hours to take a nap) : In order to climb that ladder of success we forget that even laptops these days go to sleep. Constantly stressing on the overflowing to-do list increases blood pressure and stress levels, which may cause long term problems. Know your priorities, manage your work and give your sleep some extra hours. You’ll realise how great it feels and you’ll be lighter on your feet.