

We have heard it like a million times already, “we came alone into this world, and we will be leaving it alone, all by ourselves.” And I am not going to tell you that it isn’t true, that the above statement is a lie, because it is not. It is the truth, maybe the harshest truth ever.

As humans we are blessed to experience different phases of life, right from when we are trying to utter our first word to our first step, to our first day at school, to our first victory, to our first injury, to our first crush, to our first loss, to our first travel, to our first degree, and to our first job. This has, more or less, been the journey of most of us so far. The reason I emphasize so far is that there is still more to come.

Now some look forward excitedly and envisage all sunny days but  others, including me, find the idea of the unknown nerve-racking. Some call it being a control freak and some call it over reacting but all I want to say to people, “IT’S OK, and if it is not, YOU WILL MAKE IT OK.”

It is scary to put our faith in a place we have yet to cross in our path of life, but the amazing thing is we have been given this path to walk on because we can walk all the way. We will fall, crawl maybe, but we will make it. And along the way we will touch so many lives that will help us to take our next step a little stronger, breathe a little lighter, feel a little deeper, enjoy a little harder, and cry a little louder.

All I want to say is we will find our way eventually. Some will do it sooner and rest will get there later, but one thing is for certain, we will get where we are meant to. Let’s not lose hope. Let’s never give up on ourself.

PS: Put your hand over your heart and listen. It’s you, working hard, pushing your way through, HeartBeat by HeartBeat.