Internship: Crucial in Defining Your Career



Now that the MTE’s are over, I think this write up will be a morale booster for all- regardless of whether you are celebrating your hard work or sulking over the fact that you just blew up your MTE’s again. Congrats to those who smashed their test, but for those who didn’t –Start preparing for your finals and come back with a bang!

Moving ahead with the title above, Gone are the days where getting a degree with distinction was enough to land you with a career that you have always wanted. With education becoming a crucial factor in uplifting the society, the competition is fierce.  Having said that we are lucky to be living in an era where we have ample amount of opportunity to really figure out what is that one thing that sets you apart from the rest.

Most of us usually focus on getting a degree and worry about career later. But are you so sure you will enjoy your profession? Because you’ll just be walking in, oblivious about the practical aspect of what you’ve been studying. As my professor said “just because you are studying engineering or management etc doesn’t mean you have to make a career out it”. If I try and reflect on it now, what he said does make sense. We human beings as I always say are constantly evolving- you never know what will catch your attention. You might be preparing for Civil services but end up becoming a travel junkie or a street photographer.

Now if you might be thinking how does internship fit in this visceral confusion? Every university provides internship for few months and if I may be honest most of us get it twisted and treat internship as a CV booster, but it is much more than that if you are really taking the right internship. It gives you an inside as to what awaits after your degree. How efficient and spontaneous are you in your supposedly career choice? How much does it excites you? And the cliché saying but very true “does it feel like another dreadful day at work or it gives you respite? (Rephrased)”

These days internship is floating everywhere, and people don’t just wait for the university sponsored internship because the more internship you get into the better clarity you get about your potential as a job seeker. Looking for internships on your own teaches you the hard lesson of getting rejected, first few rejections might shatter your self esteem (based on personal experience) but it’s so worth it once the right one comes along. You will also learn you are not the only who is eyeing for the same profession , and there are thousand more much better than you- sounds overwhelming but you will eventually get use to it. You will figure out what is that one thing that gives you the upper hand. You will realize it is not just all textbook because there will be situations where you have to make judgment based on your intuition. You will gain networking with like-minded people and that’s the icing on the cake for me.

If you are trying to figure out your niche through internship, go for unpaid internship, preferably virtual if you are juggling lecture halls. Don’t limit your internships to just your field of study, go for anything that excites you or motivates you to learn. You might be an engineering student but if you are passionate about social work? Apply for it, Learning is never enough. Since most of us will be opting for an internship through the university, use this personal internship expedition to pursue and figure out your interest apart from your formal college degree. As the saying goes “don’t keep all your eggs in one basket”.

I have been fortunate enough to meet people that pushed me into this game few years ago, and as such I have met a lot of people from different walks of life and one thing I’ve learned from them is-Keep an open mind! I’ve met people who are in their late 30’s shift from corporate job to become an urban farmer or wedding photographer. We youngsters have the opportunity to avoid such late realization through “Internship”. So I guess it does makes sense to say at the end of the day nothing is more gratifying than doing something that gives you satisfaction.

Should you be interested in an internship but can’t seem to find one, you can try An agency that has the credibility of having employers from uber, amazon etc and caters to the need of students.

Good luck!