“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”–  Bill Gates

Hostel life is blissful for students, as it not only gives them a sense of freedom but also helps them to learn daily tasks. But what happens if you are of a lazy disposition and get stuck with an equally lazy roommate? Innovation – that is what happens.

My roommate and I have been facing the major issue of who would get the door every time someone knocked. Today, that issue got solved, when out of boredom and laziness, a quirky idea popped into our heads. Using the Physics taught us at school, we designed a setup to open the door. This included a length of rope attached to the latch at one end and the nearest bed at the other, with a pulley fashioned to help unlatch the door.

This way when someone comes knocking on the door, one of us will just pull the rope to unlatch and open the door. See, laziness stimulates creativity. Hows that for a positive outlook on life?

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Hello there! I am a Sophomore at LPU with honours in Journalism and Mass Communication. I am on a journey to explore all the corners of the human world and maybe someday beyond it. I have a zeal for communications, be it writing, interacting with people through mediums like radio, television, etc. I also have a passion for photography and have a knack for something new always.