Mega Cultural Fest ‘One India’ Begins at LPU


The two-day annual mega fest ‘One India-2017’ was inaugurated today at Lovely Professional University. Thousands of student-participants from the 29 states and 7 Union Territories of India worked together to convert the LPU campus into  a mini India. This year, the students are celebrating the theme of ‘World Peace’.

‘One India’ is held every year at LPU to celebrate ‘Unity in Diversity’ and let students from different backgrounds experience the rich cultural heritage of all parts of the country. This year also, different LPU Schools represented different states of India separately, and their students, regardless of which state, or which nation they belonged to,  worked together to bring out the best of the individual states for the 25,000 other on looking students. Tomorrow, on the conclusive day of the fest, the valedictory ceremony will witness a great cultural showcase of continuous dance performances from all the states of India, and awards to expo winners.

LPU Chancellor Mr. Ashok Mittal inaugurated the fest celebrations by plantating trees and advising students to find peace within to create peace all around them. This was followed by a grand 4 km long procession of tableus from different states, wherein the students chanted slogans for peace. Exhibitions and foodstalls were set up to give everyone an experience of the culture and cuisine of all the different states. Bhutte Kaa Kees, Methi Puri, Malpua, Rugra, Dhuska, Apple Flack, Gahat Kofta, Makhiani Lassi, Sidu, Ghugne, Jhalmuri, Thuppa Soup, Bamboo Soft, Telebhaja, Aloo PoshotaKapok, Punnukulu, and Mirpakaya were only a few of the delicacies on offer.

It was a joy to see students from different states celebrating and promoting the culture of other states, singing their folk songs, dancing their traditional dances, and serving their native delicacies. At the Assam stall Navjot Kaur (a B Tech Bio- Technology II year student) from Punjab; at the North East Stall Elijah (an international student of BBA) from Uganda; and at the Kerala stall Anil Shah (a BBA student) from Nepal, were unanimous in their appreciation of the oppurtunities that LPU provides to learn and be a part of various cultures and the lessons in humanity and unity that such experiences teach.