NCC Camp CATC- 42 (Combined Annual Training Camp)


Waking up at 0400 hrs, sipping hot tea from steel mugs, and getting the uniform ready – welcome to the world of the brave hearts, the cadets of National Cadets Corps.


LPU is one of the few private University that gives its students an opportunity to become a part of NCC (National Cadet Corps), a great organisation which works under the motto of "Unity and Discipline". 10 cadets of Lovely Professional University attended an NCC camp recently, which was conducted at Sant Baba Bhag Singh University from 19th-28th September.


Every cadet was allotted a self loading rifle on the day of reporting which they had to take care of and carry till the completion of the camp. A cadet was expected to be ready in his uniform, rifle on his shoulder, and report sharp at 0600hrs for PT which was followed by delicious, piping hot breakfast at 0730 hrs. Then came the Drill Ustad with the cane in his hand. Everybody received the customary “Ragda” at the hands of that worthy gentleman. Cadets were made to march smartly, rifles in their hands, and smiles on their faces. 1100hrs was  time for refreshments, Glucon D was manna to the tired young men. And then, because being an NCC cadet means learning to do it all, it was time for cultural practice.The moving and grooving worked the stiffness out of sore, screaming muscles.

In the afternoon the cadets would all but drag themselves to their dorms and fall in the first available space like potato sacks. Only the alluring aroma of food would get them moving. The best part about meals at the NCC camp was that it was BYOU: Bring your own utensils. So many hands attacked a single plate that no morsel could know which mouth it was headed to. After lunch, it was rest for a few hours, to be roused by the camp senior’s whistle for another round of parade. The evening brought “Ardaas” with it, where each and every cadet, as well as the training Army staff would pray together. Meanwhile the NCC cooks worked their culinary magic to feed 460 very hungry cadets yummilicious food.This was the typical daily routine of the  cadets at the camp and then it was lights off at sharp 2130 hrs, except for the ‘lucky’ few who were on patrolling and Santri duties.

Several competitions were also conducted at the camp. The most important of which was the Inter-battalion Best Cadet Competition in which a cadet had to go through the Drill Square Test, Written Examination, Personal Interview, and Firing tests. A cadet had to be proficient at all of these to become the Best Cadet and represent the Jalandhar GP at National Level. Cadet Devesh Petwal of Lovely Professional University became the Best Cadet of the Senior Division at this inter-battalion competition out of the 460 cadets who attended this camp.

Another camp, a mini one this time,has already started at SBBS from 3rd October. At this camp the Army Training Staff will shortlist Cadets who will walk the Rajpath on 26 January, 2017. 7 Cadets of LPU are a part of this camp as well.

Stay tuned for updates on these cadets.



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