It’s been 2 days since Valentine’s Day. Love is still in the air (like you can almost smell it). February is probably the only month that is loved and hated equally. Chocolates were being exchanged and roses passed over to one another. Proposals were being accepted and rejected right to left. February – A month where love is dominant. A month where your feelings run amok. One such month where you can freely express your love for others. A month where you can cement your love for your soul mate. An entire week dedicated just for you lovers out there. While the love still lingers in the air, I believe that there is no better time for me to write this article.

There was a time, not so long ago, when the concept of Valentine’s Day was way different from what we have today. A day which was made to celebrate love, to commemorate love. A day to strengthen the bond between two lovers. A day to express your true feelings for that special someone. A pure intention, often misunderstood and misconceived. The version of Valentine’s Day which we experience now is overhyped version. A version where we believe that the only way to express love is by exchanging material things, and not by truly understanding what your mate feels. Don’t get me wrong. Chocolate and flowers are cute and all. But is that all there is to your love?

Love will find you - Valentines-Day

We have reached that stage, where your performance on Valentine’s Day will decide how your relationship will turn out in the foreseeable future. Where you take your date out, how you set up your candlelight dinner, what you gift them, these are the crucial factors that decide how much you love your mate and how much you are willing to sacrifice for them. A single day, is a single day enough for someone to judge how deep your love is? Love is stronger than that. Love is tougher that. Love is one such feeling that can endure all and survive all. Love is absolute. Love is pure.

Now, this is for those who have already found love. But what about those lost souls who are still in search for love? Valentine’s Day can be harsh. Trust me, I know. Seeing couples all around you, holding hands and expressing their love. It can be hard to ignore all that. This version of Valentine’s Day that we experience is cruel, to say the least. Open your Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp. All that you’ll see are posts about love or Valentine’s Day. Our society has hyped up Valentine’s Day to such an extent that being single on this day is equal to being isolated. For those singles out there, worry not, for love will find you.

Love will find you - Valentines-Day

You might not have love today. You might not have experienced it before, or you might have experienced it before and it might have left you broken and battered. Don’t worry, love is not a one-time thing, you’ll get to experience it again and you’ll learn to love it (get the pun). You might be alone this Valentine’s Day, but worry not. A single day is not enough for the world to judge how far you’ll go for love. Love can take many forms. Understand that and you’re halfway there.

Love will find you - Valentines-Day

You’re loved. You might not have someone to cuddle with or spent time just gazing into each other’s eyes. But that’s fine. Love will find you for love is everywhere. And it might come when you least expect it. We’ve all had that one day where we’ve hit rock bottom. It might feel like all that we’ve done until now has been for nothing. It might be at that moment that love will find you and soothe you. It might be in the form of your friends giving you a surprise and showing up at your place just to cheer you up. It might be in the form of your parents’ video calling you out of the blue. It might in the form of a pedestrian that you encountered on your way home. Love will find you, one way or another.

Love is infinite. The moon, the stars, the trees, the shrubs. Look closely and you’ll find what you’re looking for. Just because you might be alone now doesn’t mean that you’ll stay that way. We all find love, or in the end, love finds us. Believe in yourself and believe in love. It’s a strong emotion, not something that you can easily conquer. But the day you conquer it is the day that you’ll truly understand what it means to feel alive. I know that this article feels like it came right out of some high school teenage drama. Yes, it contains a lot of clichéd lines and yes, we’ve all heard this before. But what to do, this is love, clichéd and all, but undeniably beautiful.

Love will find you - Valentines-Day