Submit an Article

Happenings@LPU represents the ethos of LPU. If there’s any place where you can express and see the hard work that goes behind the lustruous achievements of LPU, then it’s none other than this.

Essentially, Happenings@LPU has some student writers who contribute regularly to the blog, but with such diversification, no amount of news is ever enough. If you have something that the campus should know, share it with us.

Who can submit?

If you are or have been a part of LPU, whether as a student, or a faculty, you can share your article with us.

What can you write about?

  • Your unique experiences here at the university.
  • The research work that you’re pursuing or have pursued at LPU.
  • Your achievement, and your journey towards that achievement.
  • Advice/guidance for our younger audience.
  • Announcements/news of an event at the university.
  • “Anything” that is related to LPU.
  • Something our audience at LPU will be able to relate to/would like to read about.

Some tips to get your article published

We reserve the right to decide whether to publish your article or not without stating any reason. Here are some ideas that will compel us to publish your article.

  1. Give an interesting heading that compels the reader to click open and read the article.
  2. It’s your opinion that we care about. So, it would be a good idea to write your article in the first person.
  3. Give a thought to “Does your article fit in the University’s Official Blog?”
  4. If your article is about something technical, please make sure it’s understandable to the layman.

Still in doubt?

We know how much effort it takes to write an article, and would hate to reject your article. So, you can first tell us the pitch/idea/title/theme of the article before you start working on it, and we’ll let you know if it is relevant to the blog.

 Requisites for submission: 

  1. A good quality (960 x 640 px) article-relevant image for the Banner must be shared along with the article.
  2. An interesting self-description of 2-3 lines for your author byline.
  3. Tell us who you are, what you do, which course/department are you in to help us know you.
  4. Good use of language and grammar.
  5. Your article should be at least 350-400 words.

As a guest writer, you won’t be paid. However, if you’re a student and can write mind-boggling articles, you can become a regular writer and can also get paid for your articles! Show us how good you are by submitting a guest post.

Following up:

We know you must be excited to see your article published. We’ll let you know as soon as we publish your article. It can take up to 3-4 days.

Looking forward to your unique and original submissions!

Email your articles to [email protected]