Youth Vibe is Coming!

Youth Vibe is Coming!


The most awaited event of the year, Youth Vibe 2016 will be held 18th-22nd October. Drum rollssss!!!!

The annual fest of Youth Vibe is a carnival of fun, games, technology and culture – a feast for the mind and the senses. It offers something for everybody, delicacies for the foodie, knowledge for the nerd, challenges for the sports enthusiast, and soul food for the culture vulture. All brought together in a charming celebration of talent, youth, learning, and life.

Youth Vibe 2016 will be a roller coaster ride of intellectual debates, melodious singing, hard core rock shows and vigorous cricket matches. It will bring to you a kaleidoscope of experiences – from the moves of a dancer to the buzzer of a quizzer; from the innovation of a picopter to the strategy of a well thought out business plan; from the angles of a photograph to the expressions of an actor; from a gala star night to a global summit on social challenges; from vintage automobiles to gen-next concept cars. Variety will be the only standard!

Music  to soothe your soul, dance to speak your passion, art to express your ideas, and interaction to broaden your horizon – prepare to be overwhelmed by the delights we have in store for you at Youth Vibe – Global Open 2016.