LPU Verto placed at INR 33 Lakhs with Data Insights GmbH!

LPU Verto placed at INR 33 Lakhs with Data Insights GmbH!


Lovely Professional University is frequently a preferred destination for recruiters of Fortune 500 companies and because a sizeable portion of Vertos placed on campus are at lucrative CTCs, due to enhanced curriculum provided to our Vertos. 

The Vertos who are currently enrolled are enjoying the best possible curriculum experience. We are proud to share the news that LPU Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering Honors student Saurav Singh Selakoti has been placed with Data Insights GmbH at a whopping salary of 33 lakhs!

College is an amazing learning experience that combines both academic and practical facets, and it is made possible by the fact that the programmes at Lovely Professional University are adapted to meet the requirements of Vertos. On Leet Code, Saurav has a ranking of 19,983 and has completed more than 691 challenges using the programming language C++. On CodeChef, he holds the position of 7460th overall and 6103rd in his country’s ranking. He has a rating of 1769 on CodeChef. He has completed more than 200 challenges on CodeChef.

Data Insights GmbH has revolutionised enterprises by implementing ERP systems with a vertical emphasis. They have pioneered solutions and services in the fields of transport and logistics management solutions, facilities and asset management and tracking solutions, mobile workforce management solutions, delivery management solutions, and on-field real-time interaction tools as a result of the unparalleled domain knowledge that they have acquired over the years regarding specialised business solutions.

We at the LPU wish you continued success in your academic pursuits and future endeavours. As you start this fascinating new chapter in your life, we wish you the best.