9 LPU Vertos selected for International Model United Nations Indonesia 2023

9 LPU Vertos selected for International Model United Nations Indonesia 2023

Model United Nations Indonesia 2023

In a moment of great pride and honor, Lovely Professional University extends its warmest congratulations to the nine exceptional students who have been selected as the main Organising Committee for the highly prestigious International Model United Nations Indonesia 2023. This remarkable achievement stands as a testament to their unparalleled abilities, dedication, and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the global stage.

From the vast pool of talented individuals, our vertos have emerged as leaders and visionaries, demonstrating their exceptional qualities both inside and outside the classroom. Their selection as the main Organising Committee for such a prominent international event highlights their outstanding skills in diplomacy, leadership, and organizational management.

The International Model United Nations Indonesia 2023 offers an unparalleled platform for these nine students to showcase their talent, intelligence, and commitment to creating positive change in the world. As the main Organising Committee, they will shoulder the immense responsibility of planning, coordinating, and executing a highly successful conference that brings together young minds from around the globe to discuss and address pressing global issues.

Participating in such a prestigious international event not only demonstrates their intellectual prowess but also provides these students with unique opportunities for personal and professional growth. They will be able to sharpen their leadership skills, expand their knowledge of global affairs, and develop essential qualities such as effective communication, critical thinking, and diplomacy. The experience gained from organizing an event of this magnitude will undoubtedly serve as a strong foundation for their future endeavors.

Once again, congratulations to our proud vertos for being selected as the main Organising Committee for the International Model United Nations Indonesia 2023. It’s a significant achievement and a testament to your abilities and dedication. The entire LPU family is proud of you!!