EVA INDIA 2019 – Punjab Auditions hosted at LPU

EVA INDIA 2019 – Punjab Auditions hosted at LPU

Eva India

Such a show of fashion and revolution was the event ‘EVA INDIA 2019‘ hosted by the Department of Youth Capital under the aegis of Division of Student Welfare, Lovely Professional University. The event was the Punjab audition and gateway for the models to the finale of ‘EVA INDIA’ to be held in Delhi, tentatively in December.

Eva India

“Fashion is part of the daily air and it changes all the time, with all the events. You can even see the approaching of a revolution in clothes. You can see and feel everything about clothes.”

Punjab Auditions of Eva India was a platform where the spotlight made models realize their true value. It was all about the spirit of healthy competition, exposure and above all, beauty with brains. The pageant Eva India is brought to us by DLK Publication Pvt. Ltd. for the lovely maidens of our country.

Eva India

Augmenting the beauty of the show Mr. Abhinav Dhir, one of the finest models, groomed and guided the contestants before the event. Moreover, the presence of some eminent personalities like Rajni Kalra (Director, DLK Publications Pvt. Ltd.); Sh Basanta Rajkumar (IFS Officer); Alina Rajkumar (Actress); Niharika Pahwa (Miss Punjab 2018); Ramandeep Pabla (Director, Pabla Constructions) as the members of judgement panel added to the glamour of the show.

Eva India

The event had two rounds where the models were judged by the jury on various parameters. After the first round, 12 contestants qualified, who fought in the second round to take their place in the finale. Finally, 6 models were selected as the finalists of the Punjab Auditions of ‘EVA INDIA 2019’. With the declaration of results, the show came to an end and then group photographs with the beauties were taken.

Eva India

Rajni Kalra (Director, DLK Publications Pvt. Ltd.) thanked the entire team of LPU‘s Department of Youth Capital for the wonderful event management and on a lighter note invited the team to the finale in Delhi.