Explore Yourself at “Khel Mahakhumbh 2017”

Explore Yourself at “Khel Mahakhumbh 2017”

Khel Mahakhumbh 2017

Student Organisation ”ABCD” under the aegis of Division of Student Welfare is organizing an event “Khel Mahakhumbh 2017”

Every student needs a platform to show their talent so don’t lose this golden opportunity to showcase your talent. Register yourselves at you nearby help desk or register to our link.


Dates: 4th November 2017 to 13th November 2017.

You can choose any of the following games:

  1. Soccer(7 aside football match)
  • 700 Rs Registration fees for a team of 7 players.
  • Winner: Goodies and trophy worth 4100/-
  • First runner-up: Goodies and medal worth 2900/-
  1. Cricket Auction
  • 200 Rs Registration fees for a team of 2 players.
  • Winner: – Goodies worth 700/-
  1. Shatranj (Chess)
  • 50 Rs Registration fees for an individual player.
  • Winner: Goodies and trophy worth 900/-
  • First runner-up: Goodies worth 300/-
  1. LAN Gaming(CS Go, COD, BLUR, NFS most wanted, FIFA 15)
  • CS Go and COD(5 members per team)
  • Rs. 100 per player
  • Winner: Goodies and trophy worth 2500/-

5. BLUR, NFS most wanted, FIFA 15

  • 100 Rs/- player
  • Winner: Goodies worth 700/-

All the participants will get a participation certificate.

For any query, Contact:

Shubham Gupta: 9412434458

Kartikey Kr. Pandey: 7986925659