Doubt of millennials! The dilemma of every undergraduate in the current period. The span of college life is short to deciding the apt plan. The earlier you decide your post-graduation agendas, the smoother your forthcoming life runs. At the time of career verdict, students, in haste, sheepishly pursue whatever others are taking. Most go for their Masters via several entrance exams like GATE, SEED or IES which generally requires a preparation gap period. But that’s a populous preference; let’s talk about some alternatives. So, here are some trending picks an undergraduate can opt for once their college journey ends:
Feed Your Passion:

Enough with studies and examinations? Time to quench the long-lost thirst. Love for bungee jumping or rock climbing? You can do it now. Turn your passion into a profession! Get approved by various training agencies and become a professional trainer in your field of choice. You can become a Yoga practitioner or be the art teacher in your vicinity! Have a high adrenaline rush and a craving for adventures? Get on for the job of a paraglider or hot air balloon instructor as eco-tourism is at young right now and many countries prefer young blood for such a task.
Become a Research Assistant:

After completing your under-graduation degree, you can seek the job of a junior research assistant in your university itself. Every college has a bunch of research works to be accomplished; you too can apply for it. Assist your faculty members in the completion of research papers or any fieldwork. You can earn a decent startup amount through it. Later on, you may be designated to the post of Senior Research Assistant. And there is no such rule that only Science students do all the research chores; even scholars of visual arts, applied arts, interactive media, journalism, and marketing could do further explorations in their respective fields.
Multiple Internships in 2021:

Today, many undergraduates are not only doing the internship in their respective academic domains but also working on various home internships as a part-time business. You too can double your income once you understand the magnitude of interactive media in today’s market. You can learn a short-term online course like graphic designing and get certified. Once you get command of software like Photoshop and Illustrator, you can work on various projects like designing logos, brochures or web pages for multiple companies. You may take it as a side job for your wee hours and yet earn a handsome amount from it.
Don’t wait for the graduation day, as, at times, decisions made in urgency could be regretting. Decide where YOU want to see ‘yourself’ working after ten years from now, and then strategize accordingly. Render the blueprints of your future beforehand!