Generate Next Revolutionary Idea with Startup Summer Camp

Generate Next Revolutionary Idea with Startup Summer Camp

Startup Summer camp

The country, full of youth with about 34.33% of the total population in 2020, and close to 356 million young heartbeats, can make our globe a better place to live. A country where generating employment is one of the gifts, you can give to others. Student Entrepreneurship Cell, DSW, Lovely Professional University with Startup India is going to conduct Startup Summer Camp with the thought of Learn and Launch. Conduction of these sessions will be done by Reputed and Successful Startup Founders, Mentors, and Investors.

Startup Summer camp

Know about our Prominent Speakers:

Sam Baisla, Founder and CEO of Brand Samosa, CEO of Startup India Foundation, Co-Founder of DECODR, Founder of NEXEL.  He is a Serial Entrepreneur and new generation leader.

Mahavir Sharma, Chairman of TiE Global for the year 2020., Chairman of Rajasthan Angel Innovator Network, and Director and Lead mentor of different Startup across the Globe.

Ashish Khare, Co-Founder of MENTORKART, Co-Founder of IOT World Labs. He is an Entrepreneur, Certified Life Coach, Certified Business Coach, Public Speaker and last but not the least a Startup Mentor.

Vivek Dahiya, Director of Startup Buddy Services, Director of Boudhik Venture, Investor, Mentor, Innovator, Strategist, And a Global Business Advisor.

Saurabh Chaturvedi, CEO of Innolabz Venture, TEDx Speaker, Educator of Emerging Technologies, Researcher, and an Explorer. Innolabz Venture, an emerging brand in education based on 3E Formula: Employability, Entrepreneurship, and Exploration.

Kuldeep Tripathi, Head-Sustainable Development and CSR Partnership, Honorary Director CSR, Market Researcher, Marketing Strategist, Data, and Impact Analyser.

Bhaskar Bhatt, Visiting Professor at Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Ex Associate Dean at ISDI Parsons Mumbai, Experience of More than 20 years in Higher Education Management.  

Priyanka Madnani, Founder and CEO of Easy to Pitch, Mentor of Change at Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog. Easy To Pitch is a one-Stop Pitching solution for Startup with a team of experts and IIM alumni.

Amit Singal, CEO at Startup Buddy, General Partner at Fluid Ventures, Director at ASR Business Advisors, National Vice Chairman at CIMSME.

Akanksha Sinha, Assistant Manager at Startup India.

Bibin Babu, Co-Founder of BlocSpaze, Co-Founder of InnoWork, Director General at Confederation of Young Leader (CYL). He is one of the most prominent preachers of Blockchain Technology in India.

Startup Summer camp

This 17-Day Startup Summer Camp is going to be conducted from the 6th of July to the 17th of July for an hour each day. Registration is free. However, for Certification, 80% attendances are compulsory along with paying a nominal fee of 200 INR.

To register for the same, visit