Glimpses of Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Glimpses of Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

While we all were sleeping cozily in our warm blankets and enjoying the comforts of home in winter vacation, the proud LPU-NSS volunteers were up in freezing cold of 4 AM to get ready for the day. The location of this year’s winter camp was village Barna. It had also hosted winter camp for the last year 2017. The Sarpanch and the Villagers were very responsive and welcomed them with open arms.  

The team of coordinators (Volunteer Nasir, Sanu, Sumit and Divas) had already pre-planned and arranged everything before the arrival of rest of the volunteers so that there is no glitch in the set-up. The place where everyone was to stay was Gurdwara which volunteers themselves cleaned and set their own mattress. The theme of the camp was “Community Empowerment”.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Lets now have a look at their day-to-day activities.

Day 1

  1. Going to the venue

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

  1. Cleaning up the Place

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

  1. Brief Introduction

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

  1. Survey- On how much is the community aware of government schemes and policies.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Day 2

The second day of the camp had the activity of cleaning the whole village. No volunteer was shy as they picked up brooms to clean the streets of the entire village, hence also promoting ‘Swatch Bharat Mission’. They also aimed at promoting awareness on healthy sanitation practices and to link locals with programs of sanitation and public health.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

A Guest Lecture was also organized where renowned mentors from LPU came forth to impart knowledge on team building “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress and working together is a success’.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Day 3

The third day of the camp started out with spreading the message “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. For making it lasting and impactful, the volunteers enacted Nukad Nattak and marched in a rally.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Later that day, a talent hunt was organized so that the volunteers could showcase their talents and bring forth their hidden capabilities.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

The next day, they participated in sports activities to spread awareness on health and wellness at the village.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Later on, there was a musical performance by blind artists as a tribute to Louis Braille.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Day 4

Volunteers began the 4th day with the quote “Teaching children is an accomplishment, getting children excited about learning is an achievement.” They taught the children in Barna Village.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Later on, to boost energy levels of volunteers, a match of volleyball was played. And another session of team building was conducted.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

To expose volunteers to the working mechanism of farmers in a village, a trip to Poly house was organized.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Day 5

The trip day had finally arrived. Starting with a visit to Pingalwara where old and orphaned live, the journey continued to Golden temple and ended at Wagah border. Making volunteers learn the precious lessons of Unity, Family and Almighty.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Day 6

“Reversing deforestation is complicated; planting a tree is simple” – Planting of sapling was the main motto of Day 6th, in which volunteers planted the new saplings in the village.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Afterwards, the volunteers taught primary students of the village. A dance competition was also held to check the team building skills of volunteers along with a guest lecture.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Day 7

The final day of the camp had finally arrived and the ending ceremony was, of course, celebrated with the young students of the Barna’s school. The renowned Sarpanch had motivating words to say to the volunteers.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

And of course, you can see on the faces of the volunteers on how these memories and lessons are going to last a lifetime.

Glimpse of the Winter Camp 2018 of LPU-NSS

Camp coordinator volunteer Divas said that the best part of it all was the active participation of all the volunteers which made the camp so successful. In fact, it was due to their efforts that villagers mingled with them so well.