It’s very common that after hearing a guest lecture, students do wonders in both personnel and professional Life. Some students see guest lecture as a way of getting Duty Leave if it’s in University, and if it’s online, most of us don’t even pay attention to it. But, there are many students who tend to do a brilliant thing after listening to the inspirational stories of the guest lecturer.
That’s why we must see it as an opportunity to grow and learn. Let’s discuss the advantages of attending a guest lecture.
- Reduce Glossophobia

It is a term given for “The Fear of Public Speaking”, and it can be observed, a person with Glossophobia can experience a dry mouth, weak voice and uncontrollable body shaking, etc according to the Marriam dictionary. So, as we see more and more guest lecturers speaking fluently and charmingly, we tend to eliminate the fear, which is holding us back.
- Create a Community Relation
“Your Network is your net worth”, brilliantly said by someone. Just by reading the mentioned quote, we can easily analyse how important networking is. We can learn from different communities and cultures. These add ups make us a different individual.
- Learn Something New
When we listen to a guest talk, we learn one’s approach to ideas, problems, and the tackling method; making us ready to face certain issues in the future.
- Develop the idea of what a great speaking skill is

Guest Talk is not only about the experience, ideas, technologies, or some skills but also about the way the guest is going to represent those. We can’t get the same vibe by watching some random video on YouTube. When you attend a live guest lecture, offline or online, the words and the motion of the presenter teach a lot about the speaking skill.
- The experience we get
“When you read a book, your experience will be more than your age” is the same for the scenario of attending guest lectures. Most speakers will tell you their story of how they achieved big milestones in their lives. Their valuable experience is shared with us. The mindset of the speaker and how it is shaped along the way make us more energetic and enthusiastic towards our goal.
I’m sure you’re amazed by the benefits.
Lovely Professional University always invites prominent speakers and personalities to deliver guest lectures and inspire the Vertos – from the founder of ZEE TV Mr. Subhash Chandra to Cyber Security expert and LPU alumni Mr. Rahul Tyagi. So, don’t miss these opportunities to hear them out.
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“When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new”.