Robin Singh is Co-founder of Peepal’s Farm which is an animal rescue, organic farm, and social enterprise. He has immense love for animals and he’s using all his abilities and knowledge in spreading awareness and betterment of these beautiful creatures. The live session was organized on 18th August 2021 by the student organization, Society for Management Learning, under the aegis of Division of Student Welfare, LPU.
During the pandemic, they faced a lot of hurdles as volunteers couldn’t participate, management of all the animals, fall in sales due to no tourists, and many more. They started feeding dogs during the lockdown and took care of them. In his young days, he had many problems at home and for him, programming proved out to be an escape from everything. He learned programming through a manual in class sixth and was a keen reader. He highlighted that we are not taught to deal with grief and loss and losing her sister was one of those times when he couldn’t process these feelings. He focussed on his work to deal with these feelings.
When he came back from the USA, he set off to travel but couldn’t find happiness. After 18 months, he met 60-year-old Lorraine who was taking care of 60 stray dogs where he found his solace. Looking at her, the values that his mother gave resurfaced and he felt bad and realized that despite being poor, she was doing everything but he had everything, yet he was searching for happiness. He came back to India and started afresh and started working with Lorraine in Auroville. Soon he moved to Delhi and started a sterilization center for animals. This was when the Peepal’s farm came into existence where they can live, open clinics, do organic farming and involve people. Their motto is to heal animals.

Initially, he faced many challenges as he had to come out of his comfort zone and he had no knowledge but had a strong desire to do something good. He learned many things during the whole process. He invited vertos to volunteer and told vertos to “Start small”. You can do small things on your part like feeding stray dogs, keeping a sack outside your home in winters, or learning first-aid with non-profit organizations for preventing any serious wounds. You can volunteer for any non-profit organization and help in the adoption process as the inflow of rescues is more than outflow. You can influence your friends for taking part in this good deed.
He gave some tips for grooming adopted dogs. You should know what food they shouldn’t be given like chocolate, garlic, citrus, grapes, etc. Before adopting a dog, you should know that who will be responsible for walks, food, sleep, and who will take care of your dog during your family’s vacation. We should open our homes for animals in need and we should come forward in spreading awareness and to help animals.
The final message that he gave was that India needs a cultural revolution. There are some values like non-violence, compassion has somewhat got hidden, we need to revive it. Inspire your friends and become compassionate towards every being.
“Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Anatole France