• Observed Hindi Divas and Punjabi Seminar on two consecutive days
In reverence to the magnificence of national and state languages, Hindi and Punjabi, the School of Liberal and Creative Arts (Social Sciences and Languages) at Lovely Professional University (LPU) observed Hindi Divas and Punjabi Seminar, on two consecutive days. Conductions were held at the Baldev Raj Mittal Auditorium of the University, which highlighted the importance and usefulness of languages in life.
Commemorating the popularity of Hindi language throughout the nation and in foreign lands; Hindi Divas was celebrated, on 14th September as per each year. LPU Pro Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal chaired the session and inspired all to learn as many languages as one may in order to know maximum about persons of other cultures and creeds.

Elite invited speakers present on this occasion were Former Director General Doordarshan/Aakashvaani Shri Leeladhar Mandloi; Actor Faisal Malik of Panchayat Web Series; Former Vice Chancellor Vibhuti Narayan Rai of Mahatma Gandhi Antar-Rashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha; Prof. Jitendra Srivastava( IGNOU, New Delhi); Editor Arun Aditya and Poet Balwinder Singh. All of these advised students to follow the true essence of the languages.
On account of this, the Department of Hindi organized various activities for the students including Debate/Declamation contests; Poetry oration; Words & Slogans writing; and, interesting of all, to act and deliver dialogues as per a famous Bollywood actor/actress of one’s choice.
On its previous day, Punjabi Department had organized a Punjabi Seminar, with reference to the creativity style of the acclaimed Sahitya Academy Award Winner, Punjabi Novelist Mitter Sain Meet (Goyal). It was informed that being drawn towards amelioration of the downtrodden, his first novel, “Agg de Beej” (The Seeds of Fire) highlighted the conflict between a landowner and the landless labour. However, he touched the zenith of the literary scene with “Kaafla” (Caravan) and through the most remarkable “Tafteesh” (Investigation).
The success of “Tafteesh” made him popular among readers as well as critics. His “Katehra” (Dock) was based on a judicial system that could not always ensure justice to the aggrieved party. His “Kaurav Sabha” is on the theme of crime and punishment. It tells how influential persons manipulate things in their favour due to many loopholes in the legal process. His “Sudhar Ghar” informs that the falsely implicated persons are subjected to eternal damnation. Now a retired District Attorney, Meet’s novels are true to life portrayal as per themes taken.
The languages’ students were provided with various insights into the scope, development and popularity of a particular language. Students were also informed about the job opportunities in the field of different languages. It was explained that based on proficiency in a language various posts are available in Government offices and as Proof Readers, News Readers, Translators, TV Anchors, News Editors, Software developers and more.