#PCC – Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

#PCC – Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

Being the only short person in a circle of tall people I am without a doubt the center of short height jokes all the time. By all the time I mean all the time in the world. If it isn’t my friends then it’s my roommate, then again if it isn’t her then come my absolute favorite relatives (GOD!!). You get so tired of it that at a point you follow “If you can’t escape it, enjoy it”. So now I laugh at them making fun of my height and of course, Karma gets to them when I can go through small doors they need to bend and trust me I have time of my life. So here are things you can relate if you are short heighted or have a friend who isn’t as tall as you.

Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

  1. Need help with that shelf?

Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

If you are going to offer help by yourself then at least have manners to say it well. I mean c’mon who looks at your size up and own and then laughingly ask if you need help. I absolutely refuse, I would walk 5 miles to get a stool then climb up to get a packet of chocs and eat in satisfaction than give you the pleasure of mocking me again.

  1. You are so small, where does all the food go in you?

Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

Someone, please help me. This question makes me glare daggers at people. My tummy, My size, My food. Wherever it goes why does it matter to you? If things were up to them then most of us short people would starve because they would keep food regulations that you can only eat this small quantity.

  1. You are so SMALL like a HOBBIT!!

Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

Alright if I am hobbit then at least we saved the middle earth. What did you do with your tall height? You were the Sauron right?. (Who of course we defeated so as far as I am concerned your existence on earth is long gone)

  1. Which class are you in?

Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

Its like they kept their own personal rule that anyone 5’1 can never be beyond class eight. The worst part is the look they give you of surprise when you say you are pursuing graduation.

  1. I can fit you in my bag

Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

This by far happens when any of my relatives come home with a suitcase. While they unpack and I enter they so nicely manage to fit me in their suitcase. And this happens always. Sometimes, their wild imagination can even fit me in their purses. Great right.

  1. Where do you shop? Kids section?

Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

Yes, all the clothes, of course, come from kids section, Oh that was also too generous of you. Why didn’t you say baby section, that would be more accurate.

  1. Are you wearing heels to look taller?

Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

Without a doubt, just for your criticism, I have gone through pains of walking and dancing in heels. At the end to just listen oh hey you wore it to make yourself look taller. Wow, Thank you, for pointing out so obvious.  

  1. Last but not the least, “You are so small. I can cover you up in my hug”

Things Short Heighted People are Tired of Listening

The last thing you need is to be engulfed in a bone-breaking hug just for others to prove that they can hide you in them.