School of Law Organized ‘Cross sword of words’ Debate competition

School of Law Organized ‘Cross sword of words’ Debate competition

Debate Competion (2)

School of Law, under the auspices of ‘Constitutional and Taxation Law Club’, organized ‘Cross sword of words’ debate competition on 23rd March 2019 in Block 20 in Lovely Professional University.

Debate Competion (5)

A total of 14 teams participated in the event, each of which comprised of 2 students. Some important topics of societal and political importance were pre-decided, and one of those topics was randomly allotted to each team on the spot. The first round was about the screening for selection of final teams, while the second round was the final face-off between the finalists.

Debate Competion (6)

Both the rounds had similar rules. It was a debate between two teams, each of which was given a time of 2.5 minutes to present their arguments on the allotted topic, and 1 minute for rebuttal. Every team gave strong and convincing arguments and received active participation from the audience. The timings were effectively managed, keeping the spirits high. Out of the 14 teams, 4 were shortlisted for the second round. The debate was judged on the basis of 4 parameters, namely Clarity of Concept, Communication Skills, Use of Facts and Examples, and Body Language and Presentation Style.

Debate Competion (4)

The 1st Prize was bagged by Indrani Mukherjee and Chetna Jain. Durga Pandey and Ayush Paniphukan were the 1st Runners Up, while Shubhankar Kar and Nawang Chopel were the 2nd Runners Up.

Debate Competion (3)

The event was well managed and coordinated by 6 coordinators and the President and Vice President of the Constitutional and Taxation Law Club, namely Kapish Chawla and Mrinal Singh respectively. The competition was judged by Ms. Nazuk Sood, Assistant Professor, School of Law. Mr Kapil C Aggarwal and Ms Neeru Mittal were the faculty coordinators.