“Vision of LPU HRDC is to conduct professional development programs in emerging technologies to make the participants industry ready”, with these remarks Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Head HRDC started her opening address welcoming about 50+ participants and resource persons in Online Short-Term Course on Fashion Communication and Digital Transformation in Fashion Industry which was organized jointly by School of Design (Fashion Design and Technology) and HRDC, LPU. In his Inaugural address, Dr. Dharam Buddhi, Executive Dean, Division of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, LPU gave insights about the current trends of industry in which fusion of latest technology with fashion is in high demand. While presenting the prelude of course objectives, Mr. Bhaskar Mitra, Dean, School of Design (Fashion Design and Technology) explained the participants about importance of the course in current fashion industry.
Resource Panel

The program coordinators Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma, Assistant Professor, HOD, Corporate Outreach Training, HRDC, LPU, Mr. Vinod Bhatia, Assistant Professor, HOD, Fashion Design, and Ms. Meghna Gupta, Assistant Professor, HOD, Fashion Technology, School of Design (Fashion Design & Technology), LPU threw the light on the program structure, session flow and evaluation scheme of Short-Term Course on Short-Term Course on Fashion Communication and Digital Transformation in Fashion Industry.
Ms. Pooja Gupta, Head Stylist, Thnk Magazine and Mr. Akash Rathour, Assistant Professor, LPU updated the students introduced the participants to different body shapes and look books. They gave hands on training to participants on costume designing and styling, skills required in a person to be a good costume designer and Editorial Styling. Mr. Firoz Khan, Assistant Professor, LPU deliberated on various aspects of costume styling. Mr.Gaurav Mandal, an ace design consultant, and a fashion professional guided the participants in conceptualizing and making a fashion portfolio. He focussed on key points of a portfolio and explained about the importance of a portfolio in fashion industry. Mr. Bhaskar Raj- Graphic Designer, Flix Stock India Pvt Ltd and Mr. Ezhilaban JJ, Assistant Professor, School of Design (Fashion Design and Technology) updated the skills of the participants on the use of latest Software CLO-3D and application of 3D skills.
Guest Speakers

Ms.Sudeepa Bamwal, a senior product developer with Zara inspired the participants to ‘talk the walk’ by making impactful presentation of their designs. She advised them to be multitaskers as multitasking is order of the day in fashion industry. The experience shared by Mr. Rishabh Dev, a gender fluid model and senior cabin crew in Air India made the participants aware about the reality of modeling and fashion industry. Ms. Kanika Gaurav Tandon, creative director of Tandon studio, Delhi explained about role of make up in editorial styling. Ms. Ananya Kumar, owner of @44 fashion stores in Delhi threw light on effect of Pandemic in fashion industry and the strategies to overcome them. Ms. Tharuka Abeyrathna, a 3 D Technologist from Vogue Tex (Pvt) Ltd, Colombo Sri Lanka deliberated on impact of CLO-3D in Garment industry.
The participants exhibited their creative talent in their projects on Self Styling, costume styling and developing looks on different themes in CLO-3D software. They created their professional portfolio that would help them in getting placed in ace fashion brands.
The short term course was well appreciated by the participants in terms of is conduct, learning outcomes and handling of queries by the resource person. “The whole session was amazing. We gained more knowledge about styling, making a professional portfolio and 3D garment design using CLO-3D software”, Said Phurailatpam Legyan Sharma, a budding fashion professional and a participant of the short term course.