

Date: November 11, 2014
Venue: New Swan Enterprises, Ludhiana.

Background &Rationale

Budgeting, a Corporate Training Program was organized by Lovely Professional University for executives of New Swan Enterprises, Ludhiana. Mr. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University was the key facilitator.

The program focused on Budgeting and forecasting for efficient financial management. The principles of financial statement analysis were explained with a case-based approach. The practical aspects of budgeting were discussed with participants of finance and non-finance back grounds. The schedule carried a multi-pronged approach that included inputs, group discussions and deliberations, case analysis and finally presentations by the participants illustrating their findings.

 The focus pointers were:

  • Context Setting and the importance of budgets
  • The principles of financial management
  • The current trend and scenario

The program received active participation of staff members from New Swan Enterprises, Ludhiana. The participants were appreciative of the gesture shown by the University in terms of choice of Subject Matter Expert, appropriate learning environment, venue setting, infrastructure, study tours and content delivery. They were also impressed by the subject expertise of the resource person. The participants observed that the program was outcome oriented and gave them new insights on the topic. It was crafted to meet the training needs stated by the client. LPU-Academic Staff College is committed to provide tailor made Professional Development Programs for the corporate sector.