We find ourselves once again drawn towards another episode of “The Griffin Show”, which is a live show organized by Lovely Professional University’s student organisation, Griffin. This time we have had an opportunity to meet a person with an eminent personality, along with that he is extremely simple and has an extraordinary will, and he is none other than Mr Yatinder Singh. He is a highly inspirational figure whose story of determination has inspired many and still continues to do so.
Mr Yatinder Singh is an Indian bodybuilder, entrepreneur, and fitness icon. His most recent accomplishments include a Gold in Mr Asia 2018, Champion of Champions in Talwalkar Classique 2017, a Silver in World Bodybuilding and Physique Championship 2015. Along with that, he has won several other championships as well. And now as an entrepreneur, he runs a platform that helps to build an impressive personality and helps in grooming the person. So, without any deferral let us scroll down to this enchanting conversation.
While talking to him we learned countless things along with the fact that he dotes on every moment. Mr Yatinder Singh in his conversation told us about, how in order to make his pandemic productive he started a YouTube channel and ended up gaining nearly 3 Million, that is, 30 lakh followers in just one and half years. In his channel, he provides content related to the basic knowledge of body fitness and stuff. Also, he admired the family time that he got as a bonus during the pandemic.
Through his colloquy, he highlighted that the students should indulge themselves in apt physical activities so that they are exposed to various emotions like winning and losing and many more so that they acquire the ability to balance their emotions as well and as a matter of fact, emotional intelligence makes a child eternally strong and he/she is able to deal with daily challenges in a much better way.

He mentioned that his journey from being a school student to being a bodybuilder was incredible. And his family and a group of few friends played a major role in his success. And because of the motivation and strength received from those people he has been able to achieve what he wanted.
On being asked about that one specific person who helped him constantly throughout his journey, he said that it was his mother and his life always starts from her. He told us that he won his first championship in 2002 and he was up with his 12th Class that time. And for a 12th class child, it takes a huge amount of endeavour to pull off a bodybuilding championship, especially during a time when sports was not much valued. He mentioned that he idolized his grandfather and he wanted to win this championship solely for him.
On being asked about what he would like to be remembered as he told us that he would like to be remembered just as he remembers his grandfather. He said that if anyone from the upcoming generation even thinks of becoming like him, then that would be his highest earning till now. The secret that he shared with youth is Discipline, loving oneself and consistency in life, with which anyone can reach the soaring heights in life.
We thank him for providing us with this treasure of wisdom and inspiration and wish him all the good luck and hope that he lifts the national flag again, making all of us proud. And for the ones who missed the show, don’t worry as the link attached will lead you to the recording of the live show.
Link : https://www.instagram.com/tv/CUNF2BuJG0Y/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link