UNYC LPU Organized ‘United Nations Model Conference’


Students’ organization UNYC (United Nations Youth Community) at Lovely Professional University, organized the ‘United Nations Model Conference-2017’ at the campus, with 400 participants from 60 institutions. The participants formed themselves into groups replicating world organizations like UNGA (United Nations General Assembly), UNCSW (United Nations Commission on Status of Women), ECOSOC (United Nations Economic & Social Council), UNSC (United Nations Security Council), UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council), and IP (International Press).

Focusing on international issues students’ UNGA committee discussed “eradicating the ISIS, with special emphasis on protecting the flow of weapons of mass destruction and small arms to non state actors”; UNHRC covered “Reassessing the rights of a prisoner”; UNSC debated on “Hostilities in the Indian subcontinent, with special emphasis on Kashmir”; ECOSOC touched “the role of globalization in fostering peace, democracy and social justice”; and UNCSW put forward “the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and deprivation of rights, with special emphasis on religious antiquated practice like female genital mutilation”. All the proceedings covered by student members representing IP (International Press).

The conference was aimed at encouraging free thinking, interest and understanding of global affairs, and effective expression of opinions. Each participant gained confidence and presentation skills, in addition to better insight into the subtleties of international affairs. LPU Chancellor Mr. Ashok Mittal congratulated all the students on the success of the event and the great leadership skills it fostered in the participants.