

At the gelid temperatures of -45 degree celsius in the Siachen glacier, the sweat literally freezes up, crackling between the skin and seven layers of protective clothing!

Such parlous conditions are par of the course for soldiers posted to the Siachen. A sunburn and a frostbite, often at the same time, are badges of honour to them, mere specks on a very long list. Their joy knows no bounds when they get the sweet solace of beloved voices after long cold weeks. They are glowing examples of the valor that categorizes the Indian Army.

Standing strong and staunch, the Indian Army is the largest voluntary army in the world and the second largest in number after China. With about 7,200 troops deployed under various missions, all over the world, India is ranked amongst the most reliable and largest troop contributing nations towards the commendable UN cause. These are just a few of the feathers adorning the grand olive green cap of our Army.

We often write, talk, discuss, and debate the sacrifices made by our soldiers, the politics creeping into the system, and are quick to toss about blame and judgement. Rarely does anyone ever empathise with the real struggle of a soldier. All that shines out are the glistening honours, handsome salaries, and the many privileges accorded them, but what weighs in the balance is often neglected. Hard postings, living away from their loved ones, service even in the face of hostility, and finally making the ultimate sacrifice when duty calls for it – this is a soldier’s life. ‘Service before self’ – isn’t the motto they live by, it is the sentiment that fuels their actions, the very blood pumping through their veins.  

The least we can do is imbibe and inculcate, within us and our future generations, respect towards soldiers. Our goodwill and respect are but a small tribute to their heroism and selfless service. When we have trouble sleeping in our comfortable beds sometimes, we should remember that someone out there stands tall in the shivering cold and icy  wind, shielding our slumber.