Five Signs You Are an Introvert
It can be hard to admit to yourself that you might be a loner. The popular (though erroneous) perception of introverts is that they...
Campus Ramble – 4
Many of us pass by this place without even registering it. A shame really. The natural shade formed by the trees lining both sides...
7 Billion People 14 Billion Faces
People rarely behave in a manner that represents their actual self. They put on facades and ‘adapt’ to maintain relationships, their image, or their...
An LPU Student Has Been Granted TEDxLPU
TEDxLPU has been granted to Shantanu Kumar of Lovely Professional University, one of the youngest grantees of the same at 19 years of age....
Bermuda Triangle – Scary Secrets!
Better known as Devil's Triangle, Bermuda Triangle is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft...
Campus Ramble – 3
I remember telling you all about the big, majestic tree near LIT. Well, I spotted another one behind Block 55. And this one’s awe...
Alumni Reunion to Be Held in Jaipur
LPU Alumni Association is continuously endeavoring to knit all LPU alumni, everywhere, into a strong, seamless community. Towards the same, we are planning reunions...
LPU Team to Compete in NASA Challenge
Lovely Professional University is sending a team of seven to USA, to compete in the ‘NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge’. This is an engineering...
State of Dreaming
She was dark and mellow like the moon,She found liberation in her solitude,Perhaps she was a bit of a recluse,It's not that in isolation...
Campus Ramble – 2
I am a Beethoven fan, and if anything can match the magic of his music, it is nature dancing through this garden maze, preening...