Workshop on Food Safety and Hygiene for Bean O Mania

Workshop on Food Safety and Hygiene for Bean O Mania

Workshop on Food Safety and Hygiene

Date:  April 8 to 9, 2016
Venue:  Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

Background & Rationale

Workshop on ‘Food Safety and Hygiene’, a Corporate Training Program was organized by Lovely Professional University for Staff Members of Bean O Mania, Jalandhar. Ms Sawinder Kaur, Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University was the key facilitator.

The training program consisted of three sessions with the pedagogy blend of demonstration, audiovisuals, demonstration and hands-on. The focus was on hygiene and preventive measures w.r.t the contamination of food. The participants were also briefed on guidelines of Food Safety and Standard Authority of India on basic food manufacturing and food handling. The stipulated food handling uniform was also shared with the participants.

The Focus pointers were:

  • Introduction to food safety and Food handling practices, Activities
  • Basic level: Food Safety Management System planning
  • Personal Grooming and Hygiene
  • Importance of temperature in Food and Safe handling of Food

The program received active participation of staff members from Bean O Mania, Jalandhar. The participants were appreciative of the gesture shown by the University in terms of choice of Subject Matter Expert, appropriate learning environment, venue setting, infrastructure, study tours and content delivery. They were also impressed by the subject expertise of the resource person.

The participants observed that the program was outcome-oriented and gave them new insights on the topic. It was crafted to meet the training needs stated by the client. LPU-HRDC is committed to providing tailor-made Professional Development Programs for the corporate sector. These training programs also help in strengthening industry-academia relations thus opening new vistas of mutual collaboration.