Mythbuster – 4


Continuing on our journey, here are some other well established myths, which unfortunately, due to the long course of their existence, have somehow become absolute in the mindset of people .

The first of these is about success. We live in the era of Billionaire Aspirants, and there is absolutely no harm in wanting to earn heaps of money to buy all the material things we desire. The harm is in equating the material with the subjective abstract that is success. When we start to compare success with owning an Audi or BMW or a mansion, we belittle the hard won accomplishments of so many, and set up others for failure and disappointment. Not everybody amasses great well, but that doesn’t make them unsuccess. One’s success can only be determined by the individual. If he/she has arrived where they wanted to be, they are successful.

The next myth I will talk about, drives me crazy. I think the people who believe in it are INSANE! “If you ask for help, you are WEAK.” – is the attitude of people who have unrealistic expectations of themselves. Anyone who has spent a little time in this world knows that it is impossible to live without help from others. You are either deluded or nursing a God complex if you believe otherwise. It takes a great deal of humility and strength of character to accept that you need help and that it doesn’t diminish you as a person. People with such notions set impossible standards of independence and strength for themselves and others and tend to be very judgemental. Friendly word of advise, please stay away from such people.