5 Books You Should Read This Winter

5 Books You Should Read This Winter



Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.” 
― John Green, the Fault in Our Stars

Every year, during winters, college students usually tend to snuggle in their beds and refuse to engage in outdoor activities. After lectures, most of the students can be found in their hostel rooms, cozying up to their phones and comps. While Netflix and social media are entertaining and engaging, they are  unproductive waste of time as well. While I’m all for avoiding any activity that exercises the body or the brain during down time, a good book is therapy I can’t help but recommend. Books relax the mind even as they re – invigorate the intellect in the most respectably entertaining manner.   

Here’s a list of must reads to pass your winter with:

  1. To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee (1960)

A classic of Morden American Literature, this book became one of the most famous in the history of literature.  A Pulitzer wining work, it is a fascinating story about growing up, set in post Civil War America’s still seething South. 

  1. The Alchemist, Paulo Cohello (1988)

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one of the best-selling books of all time. If you are a travel freak and want to know more about the world you live in then this book will definitely push you to take the first step towards your dreams.

  1. Pretty Little Liars, Sara Shephard (2006-2010)

Pretty Little Liars is a series of young-adult novels by Sara Shepard. Specially for girl, this book is to die for, as it shows the life of 5 best friends going through the struggles of college life and what happens to them when an unidentified person starts stalking them.

  1. The Maze Runner, James Dashner (2009)

This is one of those books that you will find very hard to put down. Part of the attraction of The Maze Runner will be the world the boys and Teresa inhabit for most of the book, a world with no adults where kids make their own rules. If you need some adventure this winter but don’t want to go outside you will be satisfied by this read. 

  1. The Shining, Stephen King (1977)

If you are looking for a book that will give you goosebumps this winter then this is the book  for you.  The nature of King’s writing will take you to the supernatural world and winter nights will perfectly suit the scenarios described in the novel. If you are looking for a good scare this Halloween, pick up a copy of The Shining!