5 Self Care Tips


For me, washing the face twice a day doesn’t count as self-care. And no, this isn’t about my self care regime or the secret behind my great skin ( ha ha, wink wink). This is beyond that, about all of one’s self. I have a few tips for you to try :

1. Do not count: I understand we’re students, but again there’s no running from drinking lots and lots of water. It doesn’t have to be “8 glasses a day”, you can surely drink more! So the thing is, don’t count how many glasses you drink, just stay hydrated and feel the magic that it is. You’ll feel better and cure half your skin problems.

2. Be selfish: Do one thing today that makes you happy, and you can repeat this mantra everyday, thereby discovering yourself. Even if it’s the weirdest thing on the planet, just go out and do it if it makes you happy.

3. A small change: Make one small change in your diet for a week ( a healthy one). Trust me, you’ll love the results. And it’ll get you closer to that summer shape you want to get into.

4. Choose: Time is very important, it doesn’t come back but ironically, history repeats itself. Choose who you spend your today with and have no regrets.

5. Baby care: This is my personal favorite. Switch to some milder bodycare or bath product. Try using baby products for a week (Johnson’s Baby is my favorite) and I’m pretty sure you won’t switch back to what you are using.

Try to try them all.