6 Tips to Break the Ice with New People

6 Tips to Break the Ice with New People


Socialising with individuals you meet for the first time can quite a challenge. There have been numerous occasions when I have ended up in a room full of individuals I don’t have the foggiest idea about, attempting to work up the courage to begin a conversation with a total stranger. Over time I’ve found a few ways to overcome the inadequate, unsure feeling I get when faced with a bunch of strangers, and slip into a smooth communication with them. Here are my six favorite ice-breaking tips:

1.       Smile – It keeps the aura friendly

2.       Make eye contact and maintain it

3.       Always keep a positive body language

4.       Observe the person in front of you (don’t judge him/her though)

5.       Ask open ended questions that encourage the other person to elaborate

6.      Embrace rejection (if it happens; though it shouldn’t after you follow these steps)

It may be very hard for some people to even approach a new person, and starting a conversation can be like a whole other level for them. Such people need to realise their inner challenge is to open themselves up and take steps towards making bonds with other people. Who knows? They may even find their new best friend.

So let’s fight fear and step towards a healthier social life!