7 Billion People 14 Billion Faces


People rarely behave in a manner that represents their actual self. They put on facades and ‘adapt’ to maintain relationships, their image, or their status. Even when they realise that they aren’t being true to their nature people don’t stop being fake, instead by consistent practice and a huge dose of self delusion they begin to believe in their own fake persona.

People have different versions of real and fake, but as observers, we should focus on what lies within. Some folks are really as they appear to be, most are just being who or what they believe the situation demands.

The tragedy of these people is that they don’t even want to see what beautiful people they are when they are real and act themselves. Perhaps they cannot distinguish between following good things and becoming some make believe version of good. What they need to understand in themselves may be hidden somewhere in the incidents of their life. If only they could see the light..