Why You Should Go For a Bachelors In Journalism

Why You Should Go For a Bachelors In Journalism

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Stop for a second and imagine this in your mind, you’re in the centre of the action, submerged in the crowd of thousands and telling the world the stories they haven’t heard off yet. Then you’re talking to important personalities, celebrities, sportsperson, politicians, and so on. Next, you’re on to an assignment touring the different corners of the world to get new and interesting information. If these things fill you up with the sense of excitement, then the field of Journalism is for you.

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Journalism will never die as long as people want to get hold of what’s happening around them and requires someone to tell it to them. It’s a never-ending cycle and will go on but nature might change on its course. The digital age is transforming the traditional form of journalism but at its core, it remains the same.

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A degree in journalism and mass communication will teach you skills that can be easily be applied and will be useful to other sectors, such as communications or marketing. As well as learning the art of writing, the art of communication and practical knowledge will get you through the different aspect of your life and make you feel confident. You’ll also develop skills in areas like video production, editing, research, and media law. It will provide you with insights into the history and ethics of journalism, and the techniques of content production, digital media, broadcast, and print content.

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The best things that it can offer are the mentorships, workshops, guest lectures and the like that are collectively called work-integrated learning. Other factors that will definitely compel you to choose a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism are research skills, critical thinking, media management, editing skills, and persuasion skills.

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Due to the constant expansion and ever-increasing competition among the leaders of the media industry, it offers you a promising career with diverse salary packages and further advances into various other avenues. This is one of the sectors in India that attracts the young generation with its unique working style and flexible job environment.

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The pros of going into field include working remotely and not confining your self to a cubicle, gets hold of actions and news at first when they happen, sense of pride by seeing the byline in the print, building networks which can be future job prospects, meeting strangers and learning new things. All in all, it’s such a field which will have adventures at different turns, will fill you up with excitement and will give path-breaking opportunities.