What’s the most annoying question being asked in job interviews and how to...

What’s the most annoying question being asked in job interviews and how to get it right?

What’s the most annoying question being asked in job interviews and how to get it right
Human resources at business meeting in office flat background vector illustration

Yes, you guessed it right. It’s the “Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years from now” question. That’s one of the most annoying job interview questions of all time. Well. I don’t know. Living on an Island with my dog? Oh, wait – perhaps I’ll take Taylor swift along with me. How does that sound? Wait guys, don’t go just yet. Because this is the question that will be asked in a job interview, every single time and you have to get it right. So, why are hiring managers so inquisitive about your future, you don’t own a fortune-telling ball. Yes, it’s exasperating! For God’s sake, I don’t even know what I want for dinner tonight or what I am going to wear to college tomorrow. How will I tell them about 5 years or 10 years from now? Cut me some slack, please. The good news? There’s a better way to handle it and that is you can side-step this question and answer it in your style and talk about your long-term goals. 

So, what interviewers typically ask this question is to gather insights into how this job aligns with your long-term career plans and overall career aspirations. They want to know if you’re joining them for a longer term or using this opportunity as a stepping stone for something else. Bad news? You have to choose between the frustration this question brings and a decent job that might save you from drowning in this tanking economy. 


Never joke about how you will be their superior in five years or any joke for that matter. No matter what the question is the harsh reality is you are still sitting in a professional job interview and on the other side of the table. 

Refrain yourself from channelizing dreams about being ambitious, famous, owning your own business, etc. if you can’t give them a proper business layout. 

Stop presenting detailed schemes about getting promoted within the company.

No one likes uncertainty and vague answers. And the “Ummm” and “Hmmm” or, I have no idea, that’s hard to say are not going to get you this job.

Now that the don’ts are out of our way. Let’s talk about what to say and how to plan a better structure for your answer.

Communicate your goals and let the interviewer know how your goals are going to align with the role this job is offering. Don’t forget to carefully review the job posting. In addition, accentuate the required skills and traits you already acquire and would like to strengthen and also include those you would like to gain more experience in. 

Envision the learning curve on the job. Include all the skills and experiences you will gain while on the job, all the achievements, and industry-specific awards that you can potentially win.

Reflect on your areas of interest that you want to focus on in the role you are interviewing for and also areas of growth where you can evolve as an individual in the organization. Since it could play a fundamental role in contributing to the overall success of the company, so do talk about it. 

Please show some excitement guys. There is nothing more captivating than an enthusiastic candidate who is ready to take on a role like their own pet project.

It’s easy, isn’t it? Don’t shy away from showcasing the points mentioned above in your answer. Also, what do you think of the 5-year question? Is it still relevant?