LPU’s sagacious researchers got another socially useful ‘Patent’ granted

LPU’s sagacious researchers got another socially useful ‘Patent’ granted


* A novel life-saving IoT attachment for hand-wash dispensers to ensure rubbing hands for 20+ seconds, as prescribed by WHO

* Now in wait to put it as a product on shelves for the benefit of the society

* With this, LPU has 2500+ international and national patents published, and 167+ granted in the USA, Australia, South Africa, India

* In the Govt of India’s ARIIA Rankings, LPU has also been recognized as one of the most innovative educational institutions in India

Thinking about safety and hygiene during harsh times of COVID 19’, a team of sagacious researchers at Lovely Professional University (LPU) developed an IoT (Internet of Things) device for soap dispensers. Named as ‘20Sec4Life’; this novel attachment for hand-wash dispensers, ensures and keeps track of rubbing hands for 20+ seconds as specified by the World Health Organization (WHO).

With this patent, LPU researchers have now got a tally of 2500+ international and national patents published, and 167+ granted across jurisdictions including the USA, Australia, South Africa, and India. The new device, for the patent granted a few days back in 2023, will glow, beep and play music for 20 seconds. This will be to ensure that users wash hands properly as per WHO guidelines. The same was filed in June 2020 to control the harsh aftermath of the Corona pandemic. Operating with a small battery, this splash-proof device can be mounted on any liquid soap dispenser. As a way, it is frugal, cost effective, and designed for masses.

Heading the researchers’ team at LPU; Pro Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Lovi Raj Gupta informs that the ‘Patent’ was conceived, ideated and developed during the unprecedented times waged by COVID-19, which is still needed in its further harsh rows. In fact, three things including physical distancing, use of face masks, and proper hand hygiene can now once again be useful in preventing any viral infection at all times. In exemplary team work, Prof Dr Gupta has got 192 patents published and 9 granted with co-researchers. 

Congratulating all at the helm of affairs of this research, LPU Chancellor Dr Ashok Kumar Mittal shared: “We are feeling immensely proud of our scientists who have placed LPU ahead of all other institutions of the country in getting the maximum number of patents published and granted. This spirit of innovating tirelessly for including tech for the benefit of mankind should continue to let society live a peaceful and healthy life.” 

Adding, Dr Mittal said: “Institutions are considered to be the primordial pillars for the growth of any country. These are the trustworthy places where most of the basic ideas lead to research and get converted into inventions. We are indeed delighted to see research at LPU being continuously recognized by the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM).”

LPU has emerged as top patent filer in the previous years also, as it has been focusing its research and development unit towards building socially inclined projects. In the Govt of India’s ARIIA Rankings, LPU has also been recognized as one of the most innovative educational institutes in India. In fact, LPU keeps on motivating researchers to file other IPRs such as design, copyright, trademark etc. Presently, LPU holds 600+ granted IPRs in various other categories as well.