LPU collaborated with Maruti Suzuki & SAENIS to organise a four-day national...

LPU collaborated with Maruti Suzuki & SAENIS to organise a four-day national competition of Effi-Cycle- 2024


Promoting innovation, the event aimed to generate consciousness amongst budding engineers towards environment-friendly mobility solutions 

LPU students’ vehicle ‘Illuminati Racers’-23072 awarded for ‘Best Vehicle Aesthetics’ in the Advanced Hybrid category

Supriya S of the team “Vaayu Hawks”  declared as the ‘Best Woman participant’ 

The Division of Student Welfare & School of Mechanical Engineering at Lovely Professional University (LPU) organized the 14th edition of Effi-Cycle 2024 competition in collaboration with India’s Maruti Suzuki Ltd and SAENIS. Held at Baldev Raj Mittal Unipolis of the university, the event full of innovations and creations showcased the latest in eco-friendly technology and design in the automotive sector. 

For this 21 teams of different universities from across the nation raced their self-created human-electric hybrid vehicles on the wide roads of LPU to exhibit their individualized supremacy. From cutting-edge engineering to sustainable transportation solutions, the Efficycle- 2024 competition unravelled various future-ready vehicles to all other onlooking students as well. 

During the spectacular valedictory ceremony, exceptionally skilful teams were honoured for their illustrious achievements and the spirit of innovation. Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) & LPU’s Founder Chancellor Dr Ashok Kumar Mittal awarded different teams with cash prizes. Congratulating all the prize winners & other participating students, Dr Mittal asked them to ever stay innovative as per the needs of the global society.

Chief Technical Officer Mr CV Raman, Former Sr MEO Mr I V Rao, and, Executive Director Dr Tapan Sahoo, all from Maruti Suzuki; and, Former Director ICAT Mr Dinesh Tyagi also patronized the event along with some other illustrious ones.

Some of the illustrious awards announced are for LPU students’ vehicle ‘Illuminati Racers ’-23072 for the ‘Best Vehicle Aesthetics’ in the Advanced Hybrid category;  Supriya S of the team “Vaayu Hawks” as the ‘Best Woman participant’; the Dronacharya award goes to Assist. Prof Sagar Deokar for ‘Stallion-23070; and, vehicles Hindustan Lahaurians got four awards in different segments for its diverse vehicles.

The event propelled students to conceive, design and fabricate vehicles powered by human-electric hybrid power. It had to be capable of seating two passengers catering to the day-to-day mobility needs. The vehicles were also required to be aerodynamic, engineered for performance & safety, and ergonomically designed. Competitions were held in three segments-Advance Hybrid; Effi-Que; and Effi-Que ADAS.