Dear Santa Claus….


Remember how we used to get up all excited to have received a gift from Santa? And how our heart broke when for the first time we came to know that all those years our parents lied to us about the existence of Santa Claus! But even then, we continue the tradition and tell the same tale to our younger siblings and tell them to be good children otherwise Santa will not give them presents.

Do you know that all around the world, the 30 days before Christmas are for writing letters to Santa? Children have already begun writing cute letters to Mr. Claus telling them how they have been good children over the year and what they would like to receive as reward this Christmas.

But we are grown-ups! What should we do? Who will give us presents? Leave presents… We just need someone to listen to our complaints and give us their shoulder to cry upon. Well try this—

This Christmas letter month, try writing your peeves and complaints to Santa in the form of a Santa letter. You can also write what you want to achieve or get in the following year. Pour your heart out in the letter, trust me – YOU WILL FEEL A LOT BETTER!! And here comes the good part—there are actually websites that reply to your Santa Letter. Yes, even to the grown-up ones, unless you write something really bad. So if you want an advice letter from Santa Claus, go ahead and drop an email. You can send your mail at or you can post your letter on the following link:

Go ahead!!! Compose your letters. ☺ ☺