A Tribute to The Soldier


Each one us, at sone point in our life wonder what will happen if I die one day. Who will cry? Who will mourn me? Who will miss my presence? All these thoughts make us value life and our loved ones. But ever wondered what life is for the ones living on the borders of our nation, where death is too close to escape. Soldiers sacrifice their lives for their nation but it does not mean that they don’t want to live.

We live, we make plans for the future, we bask in the affection of our loved ones, we look forward to occasions, we laugh, we travel, we take life as it comes just because there are some who are letting it all happen by protecting us. Do we give a passing thought to whether a soldier worries who will mourn his passing?

A soldier does not only fight the enemy but battles everyday the pain of staying apart from his family, his love, his children. But perhaps he never thinks about who will cry if he dies for he expects his nation to take pride in seeing him attain the immortal glory of a martyr. Perhaps he believes he is a sentiment that will live on in the hearts of his fellow soldiers.

He does not, for a moment, expect our gratitude but we do owe him respect. And a prayer. When we get back from work in the dark winter evening, let us spare a thought and a prayer for those still on duty. Cold and lonely, but dutifully guarding our nation and our lives.

“Not all heroes wear a cap, be a hero and salute those who are adding days to your life!”