Celebrating the Remarkable Success of LPU Alumnus

Celebrating the Remarkable Success of LPU Alumnus

aditya success lpu alumnus

Alumni success stories are tales of individuals who have gone on to achieve great things after graduating from their respective institutions. These stories not only inspire current students but also serve as a testament to the quality of education provided by the university. Today, we have one such success story of our verto from the School of Civil Engineering (class of 2020).

LPU’s proud Alumnus Er. Aditya Singh, a Civil Engineer and Alumni Mentor, has achieved remarkable success in his field. He is an independent researcher and has been an ad hoc reviewer for three American international journals, including IJSSMET(Q2, Q3), IJRLEDM, and IRMJ Journals (Q2).

Aditya has 10 publications to his name, including 5 published in national and international journals in 2018 and 2019, 3 as book chapters in international books for unpaid publication in the USA in Nov 2021, Nov 2022, and Jan 2023, and 2 international conference papers in (Springer Nature) LNNS Vol 371 and Vol 569 conference proceedings, both of which are already Scopus Indexed. Aditya has been a single author in 7 of his publications, while he is the main author in one and the second author in the other two.

Aditya has presented papers 8 times at major conferences of international and national stature in India and abroad, with most of them being international ones. Besides, he has worked as a reviewer 65 times so far in international conferences, international books, and international journals.

Recently, Aditya was awarded the International Award (Thailand) “ICO 2023 – Outstanding Reviewer Award,” which is a testament to his hard work and dedication. Aditya’s achievements prove that with passion, perseverance, and dedication, one can excel in their field and make a name for themselves. He is an inspiration to all aspiring researchers and engineers.

Aditya’s achievements also reflect positively on LPU, as it reinforces the university’s reputation and the value of its degree. Such alumni success stories are a source of inspiration and pride for both the university and our vertos.