December Mornings


The cold winter mornings of December never cease to amaze me. The cool breeze entering through the open window brushes the skin, while the trees covered with yesterday’s snow are a beautiful sight. And the sound of birds singing serene melodies is soothing and relaxing.

Every December morning holds a story in itself.

Preparing a hot cup of coffee to start the day (without which a December morning can never be complete☺). Geared up in our running outfit in order to experience and breathe in every little detail of the outside world that awaits us. Walking on the snow covered pavement while closely watching everything that is happening around us. Experiencing all of winter’s overwhelming beauty around us.

Every house lining the street decorated its best in a variety of ornaments, a pleasing sight on a December morning. A sense of hospitality can be felt in each and every house as we walk pass it. A joyful sight on the mornings of December are the children playing outside in the snow with much happiness and joy.

People in groups of 3-4 standing around bonfires at the corners of the streets in order to fight the cold winter. Keeping themselves warm and cozy as they chat about topics from all over the world, and laugh at each other’s joke, passing a December morning with their neighbours and friends.

Unlike other mornings in our life, there is something about the mornings in December that makes them special. It maybe because of the celebrations that happen all through the month, or maybe because of the holidays where loved ones are united and together, or maybe because of the season December falls in. Whatever it maybe, a December morning is a beautiful reminder of life at its best.