DISHA: Career Counselling and Development

DISHA: Career Counselling and Development


Disha“, a social initiative of Lovely Professional University, acts as a platform for the development and growth of all the stakeholders of education including teachers, students, administrators, staff etc. of various schools, colleges, NGOs and other educational institutes from all parts of the country.

Disha, a collaboration of some of the most learned counsellors and experts aims to support and guide the students, teachers as well as the schools (as an organisation) through their experience about the ever-changing system of the education sector and helps them to adapt and grow as per the requirements of this academically developing world.

From clearing the dilemma of students by showing them the path to achieve their set career goals to the upgrading of their mentors, teachers, parents etc., we are working for the empowerment of each and every person who is a part of the education sector. Further, the increasing competition in every pace of life is affecting each individual. This calls for a need for guidance to help an individual to make the most significant decisions of one’s career and life.

Therefore, in this era of unbeatable velocities to achieve a plethora of big dreams, “the theory of destiny and Miracles” will be an old tale and the winning trophy will come through the amalgamation of practicalities, hard work and smart work.