Fantasy Amour – a Shoot Styled by an LPU Student Under the Guidance of Anuj Lalwani


 The writer of this piece was also part of the styling team for this shoot called Fantasy Amour

Rejection. It never fails to cut deep, does it? We are told time and time again how rejection is a part of life and that ultimately, we are meant to grow and learn from it. Sure, deep down I know this is true, but it doesn’t make it hurt any lesser when it happens.


Something I’m a firm believer in is having a strong relationship with your intuition, and to listen to it when you hear its little voice start to invade your head.

You shouldn’t wait until your head is screaming at you to leave a situation before you actually do something about it. Nor should you allow your relationship with someone to become completely demeaning and unhealthy for you to leave it. When the voice starts talking to you: LISTEN! It really has your best interests at heart, even when you allow ourselves to be blinded to reality by the opinions of others. At the end of the day, listen to you. Your intuition is on your side even when you ignore it. And if you do, you’ll keep learning the same lessons over and over again until you finally start to trust in it and realize the importance of the art of letting people go. And once you do BINGO! you’re going to be happy always!

And, a happy person shines brighter. 


Any relationship that doesn’t work out, no matter platonic or romantic, isn’t a failure on your part. And believe it or not, it’s not a failure on the other person’s part, either. What it actually is though is a redirection. Relationships can’t be replaced or replicated, but what lessons you learned from the ones that ended can be brought with you into new ones. That is, if you’re open to a little learning and self-reflection.


And so, you need to move forward with more self knowledge and faith in yourself. Look at the the bright side of things (and there always is one), you know now when you have to let go. You can walk away from any unhealthy situation and be a better and more mature person the next time around.

Stay happy! Stay positive!

Label: MISE A’ JOUR by Shilpa Raina Wahal

Photographer: Naveesh Tejpal

Styling and makeup: Anuj Lalwani and team (Makeup: Jhalak Bhatia) 

Female model: Thais Alves Marques

Male model: Shayaam Yadav

Agency: La creme productions