Fee waiver for Faculty/Staff Members and their Dependents admitted in PhD Programme...

Fee waiver for Faculty/Staff Members and their Dependents admitted in PhD Programme – JULY 2019 Intake


This is for the information of all the Faculty/Staff members who are interested in availing the benefit of HR fee waiver policy for self (Waiver of 50%) and their dependents (Waiver of 25%) that the fee waiver, taking admission to PhD programmes of the university, will be applicable from 1st semester onwards.

At the time of admission, the applicant shall deposit the 50% or 75% fee (as applicable) and will apply for the fee waiver in the interface to avoid any inconvenience. All the faculty and staff members who have taken the admission in Schedule I of a PhD programme in July 2019, can apply for a fee waiver at below mentioned link:

UMS Navigation=>Division of Admissions=>Fee Waiver Application Management=>Fee Waiver Application

Important Deadlines:  

The last date to apply for the same is 25th July 2019. The staff members are requested to adhere to the deadline of the application. Non- adherence of the deadline will attract the late fee which will be managed as per the details mentioned below:

 Application Deadline  Late Fee
 25th July 2019  Nil
 26th July – 31st July 2019  Rs. 500
 1st Aug – 9th Aug 2019  Rs. 1000


Note1: No fee waiver application will be entertained after 9th August 2019, for Admission session July-2019 Schedule I PhD Programme.

Note 2: The important dates for applying for the fee waiver for programmes other than PhD will be notified in the last week of July 2019.