Five Signs You Are an Introvert


It can be hard to admit to yourself that you might be a loner. The popular (though erroneous) perception of introverts is that they are self centred people who don’t care for others. So when someone perceives themselves to have such inclinations, they fight them or deny their existence, due to the stigma attached. These five behavioural indications of being an introvert can give you a good start at understanding your own personality and accepting it positively.

1. You appreciate having sufficient energy to yourself – When you have the opportunity to take a break, you’d rather invest energy reading, playing computer games, or simply tuning into music. That peaceful time is essential to your feeling of wellbeing despite the fact that there are a lot of times that you appreciate social gatherings.

2. Your best thinking happens when you’re independent of anyone else – You’re not averse to dialogue or sit-downs, but on complicated issues or matters that need innovative solutions you need the chance to work out the issue by yourself.

3. You lead best when others are self-starters – Regardless of the belief that loners are quiet to the point that they can’t venture up to the plate and run things, under the correct conditions they can be the best leaders of all. For a group of self motivated people the quiet and contemplative leader can be the best manager.

4. You’re the last to raise your hand when somebody requests something from a gathering – As you may recall from your primary school days, there were some close friends whose hands shot straight up into the air when the teacher posed a question or required somebody to volunteer. Extroverts have a tendency to be prepared and anxious to stand out in any scholarly or social circumstance. You are happy to let them take the limelight, even when you know as much or more than them..

5. Other people ask you your opinions – As an introvert you aren’t inclined to volunteer your views unasked. Whether in family gatherings or work related meetings, you are likely to keep your ideas/conclusions to yourself unless asked.