Adepts of Their Field to Be at LPU for Global Infosec Summit...

Adepts of Their Field to Be at LPU for Global Infosec Summit 2017

Global InfoSec Summit 2017

Student Organization Living Out Loud under the aegis of Division of Student Welfare presents Global InfoSec Summit 2017. Global InfoSec Summit is the International Information Security Summit where skilled and proficient speakers from Government and Private Sector will bring unique insights from their expertise in the disciplines of Hacking, Cyber Forensics, Cyber Crime, Web Application, Networking, IoT and IT related laws.

Speakers at Global InfoSec Summit 2017

  1. Dr. Amar Prasad Reddy(Director -National Cyber Safety and Security Standards)
  2. Raul Rodriguez (Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Interpol,Spain)
  3. Dinesh O Bareja (Microsoft MVP, CISA, CISM, Cyber Insurance)
  4. Nipun Jaswal (Director, Pyramid Cyber Security,Chair Member NCDRC)
  5. Rakshit Tandon (Chairman, India Against Child Abuse)
  6. Santosh Khadsare (Cyber Forensic professional, Government Of India)

7. Adv Karnika Seth (Cyber Lawyer & Cybercrime Law Expert)

8. Gen G.D.Bakshi (Defence Analyst, Government Of India)

9. Nitin Pandey(Chairman Defcon, Hackers Day, National Informational Security Council)

10. Deepak Kumar D3 (Digital Forensics Expert)

11. Ajay Kumar (Deep Web & Anonymity Researcher)

12. Adhokshaj Mishra (Hardware Exploitation Expert)

13. Vivek Ramachandhran (Founder Securitytube, Cisco Protocol Designer)

14. Hitesh Malvyia ( Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Expert)

15. Virender Kumar Sharma, I.P.S


  1. National Cyber Defence And Research center

2. Digital India

3. Make In India

4. Rally For Rivers

5. India Watch

6. Cyber Peace foundation

7. Hackers Day

8. Cyber Shrishti

9. E-marshals

10. Shades Inked

11. Kryptix Infotech

12. Punjab Police

13. Gurugram Cyber Cell

14. Digital 4N6 Journal

15. Indigo Airlines

Student Benefits

  1. Participation Certificate with Associated partners

2. Welcome Kit

3. Id Cards

4. Coupons

5. Goodies

Event Details are as follows:

Date: 11th and 12th November 2017.

Venue: SSDM Auditorium


Registration Fee: 400 INR (Only For LPU students)

Contact Details: Awdesh kumar shukla, Room No:34-205 (C-18)

Narendra: +91 7888772156

Akhil: +91 8699989677

Help Desks: BH2, BH3, BH6, GH1, GH2, GH5. Block: 33, 25, 13, 55 and 20.